Monday, September 23, 2013

Art dump from request weekends 1

theres so many so ill just put them all in one post. (a lot of them were requested by the same guy). i use request weekend as an original idea to get my page likes, and to help me widen my drawing abilities. (it probably wont be original for long knowing how the internet works, but just so ya know, page drawing requests originated with "Flare the Hedgehog" (me) i think at least) it has helped with both dramatically. ill post in the order i drew them in. 
Heavy- Team Foretress 
i didnt really like this one. i cant draw mlp characters worth a crap. but this one is my aquantince's My Little Pony: FIM characters
Shadow the Hedgehog
"a pokemon battle between Sonic and Shadow and i could choose which pokemon they had" i tries to make it funny. only a pkemon fan would understand... or its pretty obvious if you look at the level difference XD

2D- Gorillaz
a cat and kitten

these next ones i "requested" myself to draw XD.
Azula- Avatar: The last airbender
me with a scarf i guess (i actually doodled this at a football game)
i have this vague interest in the Slenderman. he doesnt scare me. i have dreams often that we knew each other oddly enough. so i gave him a flower :3
me and Slenderman again... yes my eyes are black... dont ask... i dont know.
a sleeping pichu and pikachu. usually when i get tired, i draw sleeping things. hell, id draw a sleeping table if i could XD

ill have another art dump uploaded from request weekends when i get more drawn. if you want me to draw you stuff, go like my page on Facebook "Flare the Hedgehog". theres a few Flare pages but mine's the one that has my Flare, holding Tails Doll, and it blatantly says in the bio "RULES FOR REQUEST WEEKEND"

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